Time Zone Support

The app keeps track of the time zone of the device for each expense. The app will use the time zone to display the date and time of the expense. The app will also use the time zone to calculate the total expenses for each day.

For example, if you are in New York and you add an expense on 2024-03-31 07:44 AM, the app will display the expense as 2024-03-31 07:44 AM in New York time. If you travel to London and you open the app, the app will display the expense as 2024-03-31 07:44 AM with the time zone of New York (America/New_York).

The app will also show all the information (e.g., Stats, Trends, etc) given the time zone of the expenese if it’s different from the device’s time zone.

The app will show the time zone in the expense detail view when it’s different from the device’s time zone.

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